By Afraa Kori

Dandenong-based South Sudanese independent artist Mike Wang launched his first
tribute and movement to reconnect with his grieving community.

“Wish You Were Here” was originally designed as a tribute last June at the Gasometer
Hotel in Collingwood. In recent years, Sudanese youth have been losing their lives “due to mental health, physical health, violence and more”.

Wish You Were Here will continue as a movement in honor of “all those who are not
here with us today”.

“What drove me to make this happen is the fact that I knew all of these people on a
personal level, I grew up with most of them and started this journey with them,” Wang

South eastern artists YTS Gucciboi and Gs Phantom said this movement was needed to
carry the legacy of young people.

Mike Wang (the founder of the tribute/movement) source - Hanna Komissarova

“This movement must be continued with love and peace, regardless of the circumstances we have faced in our community. The image we are trying to create is to have a safe environment for the youth, as they are the future of us, when we pass on the torch to them with the right education through music and avoid destroying the dreams of the young ones. No more wishing for our loved ones to be here with us, but to celebrate life and success with them is the goal from now on,” YTS Gucciboi said.


“Moving forward, we have got to move as one, as a community. We got to do better and start thinking about our brothers and sisters’ futures and how we can start educating and motivating each other towards greatness and longevity,” Gs Phantom said.


Wish You Were Here also attracted many locals, families, and friends across Melbourne.

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“I truly believe this tribute came from the heart and experiencing it as a member of the audience and not a performer gave me such a different perspective on how amazing music truly is and how powerfully it could be used for good and to keep someone’s legacy alive is a blessing,” Yung Baddie said.

“People came and celebrated their loved ones too and felt connected,” Wang said.

Cranbourne artist Prez, featured in Wish You Were Here, and said it was his first tribute performance and was worth experiencing.

“This performance was more than showcasing talent and creativity within our space, it was about acknowledging the lives and the impacts made by the ones who aren’t here with us anymore,” Prez said.

“It was an amazing experience. Not only from the aspect of an artist being supported by their community but also as a dear friend to many of the people the tribute was dedicated to. It inspired me, even at a low moment of my life, to continue the journey of life and growth, especially for those who didn’t have the time to do it themselves.”


Meanwhile, Wang’s music career was hit by a death knock, causing challenges in the planning of Wish You Were Here.

“It was tough, to be honest, some things didn’t go to plan because of the recent passing of Kose and Swank. Swank was meant to be the creative director and photographer for the show, and Kose was meant to open up. I just tried my best to keep my head high regardless of what happened.”


Particularly, the death of his late cousin and best friend, Swank, had a heavy toll on the Sudanese community.

“He was a very big part of my life and the lives of others,” Wang said.

“He one day took it upon himself to become one of the best photographers and videographers in the southeast to tell the stories and capture the greatness he would see in everyone he would come across. He had plans to do great things for the community and was an example of being fearless and passionate towards anything he put his mind to.”

Mike Wang with the performing artist Prez and supporters.Source - Hanna Komissarova

Below are some local mental health resources you can contact if you need some unbiased support. 


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